Governing bodies
The Gender Expert Chamber of the Czech Republic has three bodies to govern its activities. The main body among these is the member’s assembly, the powers of which include the approval of the Chamber’s strategic plan, along with the budget and the election of the other bodies of the Chamber. A five-member Committee is the executive body of the Chamber and represents the Chamber externally; its primary responsibility is to make decisions on the approval of new members. The third body is the Control Commission, the task of which is to supervise the Chamber’s activities and overall management.
Committee: Vanda Maufras Černohorská (chairwoman), Klára Čmolíková Cozlová, Blanka Nyklová, Iva Šmídová, Drahomíra Zajíčková
Control Commission: Zuzana Labudová, Alena Ortenová, Veronika Šprincová